3 steps to bright, clear, glowing skin!
Step 1: Lumecca IPL Treatment
Start – with a powerful light-based treatment that targets pigmentation issues to:
- reduce sun damage
- reduced redness & broken capillaries
- promote even-toned skin
Step 2: Jessner Chemical Peel
Next- remove the outer layer of damaged skin with our most aggressive chemical peel for the following benefits:
- reduced fine lines & wrinkles
- reduced acne
- reduced acne scars
- reduced pigmentation and melasma
- stimulated collagen production
- improved skin texture & tone
Step 3: Dermaplaning Facial
Last- remove the itchy dead skin from the Jessner Peel with dermaplaning, for increased benefits of:
- reduced fine lines & wrinkles
- glowing skin
- reduced hyperpigmentation
- smoother texture & brighter skin
- improved exfoliation & increased product absorption