2 Amazing treatments combined!
Step 1 of 2: Microneedling
FOCUS: Texture
Microneedling is our most popular spa procedure. It works by causing a controlled skin injury which your body then repairs and in doing so, creates new collagen and elastin. Results include brighter, smoother skin with decreased pore size and pigmentation.
Downtime: Redness, possible dryness, moderate flakiness and peeling (average 1 week).
Step 2 of 2: Jessner Peel
FOCUS: Aggressive Anti-Aging
The Jessner is our most aggressive peel! Most skin types can benefit and results include improvement in fine lines/aging skin, acne, pigmentation and melasma.
Downtime: Mild redness, possible dryness, moderate-intense flakiness and peeling (average 1 week).